Sunday, May 1, 2011

Border Reflections

 So much representation of the board are these iconic images of the border with the fence within the landscape. The perception that these images create a one clip image of what the border is yet what is actually being seen is different. However, what one actually sees is completely different. The majority of what people actually see of the border is at the crossing. The Tijuana Boarder Crossing is a great example of one such border crossing.  On the way into Mexico one merely sees the border for seconds as they fly past the border. However, when returning back from Mexico into the US it can take hours to return. Within that tiresome wait in returning home is where one actually interacts with the boarder, as opposed to driving past with minimal care.

What is really the way we see the border. The first set of iconic images or the later images of crossing the border? Getting back into the US does not necessarily have to be this way does it? 

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